The third graders worked in small groups on their first geography project of the year. They examined world maps and globes to locate an assigned continent. Next, they collected numerous facts about their continent from both video and book sources. They were then asked to present this information in a visual format...planning came first. Slowly, the children added facts along with photos and illustrations. Students were finally asked to present their posters to our classroom audience...again planning their oral presentations. The result of their hard work and creativity is hanging in the hallway outside our classroom door, so please...feel free to stop by and take a look!!!
Today we had the privilege to "visit" the Giant New York State Map. The map was rolled out across the primary gathering area floor. We had to take off our shoes before we stepped on the map! We were able to see New York State's cities, towns, mountain ranges, rivers, lakes, and its capital close up. I also showed the children Google Earth using our white board in our classroom. This is a great website for children to explore at home. Ask your child what they saw on the Giant NYS map!!!